Ossoff Campaign Emphasized His Business Savvy: New Reports Indicate His Media Company Is Struggling


Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff won’t disclose the financial struggles of his media company, despite using it throughout his campaign as proof of his business prowess. During an interview with The Washington Post, Ossoff dodged questions regarding his financial management of Insight TWI: The World Investigates (TWI).

According to The Post, Ossoff assumed the media company after investing a quarter of a million from his inheritance. Ossoff’s late grandfather, Hyman Ossoff, created the Ossoff Leather Company with his brother, and later formed the Suncook Tanning Corporation in New Hampshire. The total inheritance that Ossoff received is unknown.

According to Ossoff’s remarks in The Post, his foray as CEO and majority owner of the company was instigated by his distaste for D.C. politics. Prior to assuming control of Insight: TWI, Ossoff’s main work experience was as a congressional aid for Representative Hank Johnson (D-GA-04). Ossoff had no prior experience in journalism.

Ossoff shared that he’d changed his mind on engaging in politics after President Donald Trump was elected in 2016. In 2017, Ossoff was unsuccessful in his bid for the U.S. House seat during Georgia’s special election. At the time, his candidacy contributed to the most expensive race in the nation’s history – Ossoff raised over $23 million.

During that race, Ossoff claimed that he had enough experience to serve as a congressman because he’d held five years’ worth of top-secret security clearance. The Post looked into Ossoff’s claims and discovered that he’d only had five months’ worth of security clearance during his work as a staffer – clearance granted so that Ossoff might attend briefings with his employer at the time, Johnson.

After his 2017 loss, Ossoff’s company saw some success through several undercover films exposing corruption in the African judiciary system and the professional soccer world. However, the campaign admitted to The Post that Ossoff’s company has been flagging financially in recent years.

“The campaign said in a statement that the company in that year [following his 2017 congressional loss] had an operating loss of $25,000 but declined to make that documentation public or provide information about the other years,” reported The Post.

Ossoff refused to divulge any additional information on his company’s financial health.

“[I]n some years we’ve been profitable, for some years we’ve taken losses. But the particulars of our annual finances are confidential,” Ossoff told The Post.

Despite the reports on his company’s financials, Ossoff’s current Senate campaign has promoted his business as proof of his ability to serve well as an elected official.

In response, incumbent Senator David Perdue (R-GA) issued a press release in response to Ossoff’s interview. The senator questioned Ossoff’s hesitancy to discuss his company’s financial struggles openly.

“Despite running on a platform of transparency and anti-corruption, Ossoff spent his interview with The Post refusing to provide clear answers on basic questions about his impact on [Insight:] TWI’s financial situation,” read the press release.

Ossoff hasn’t published any statements on the interview, instead focusing on his opponent’s financial endeavors. Ossoff criticized Perdue for selling tickets to PACs for an annual donor program supporting Perdue’s reelection efforts.

Additionally, Ossoff was vague on the outcome for Insight: TMI if he were to be elected. He told The Post that he and the company would “have to figure something out.”

The Georgia Star News reached out to Ossoff’s campaign spokespersons about Insight: TWI’s current financial standing, and for a response to those critical of the candidate’s ability to serve the Senate. Their team didn’t issue a response by press time.

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Corinne Murdock is a reporter at The Georgia Star News and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Jon Ossoff” by Jon Ossoff





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